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0 - A ta pentru totdeauna CONCURS 3   0 - Poze Frumoase Cu Actorii din A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA      x - Heiii         x - Prietenele mele de pe SunPhoto         x - Choti BahuA ta pentru totdeauna CONCURS 4A ta pentru totdeauna CONCURS1   0 - Cele mai frumoase filme indieneA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA despre Divyanka TripathiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA informatii depsre Kmaya PunjabiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA informatii despre Sharad MalhotraA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA interviu Divyanka TripathiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA interviu Kamaya PunjabiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA interviu Sharad MalhotraA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA pe acest site putesi viziona toate episoadele din telenovelaA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze ChandraA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze cu Divyanka Tripathi - cele mai noiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze cu SamratA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze Mahua   0 - Fanclub BMTD      0 - Cele mai frumoase poze cu Divyanka TripathiA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze modificateA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA poze ShaluA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA rezumat Vidya si Sagar morA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAoooooooCapturi din episodul in care se intalnesc Amar si DivyaA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAoooooooocapturi din episodul 206A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAoooooospecial pentru Sindoora92AaAa AMINTIRI PENTRU PRIETENII MEI DE PE SUNPHOTO AaAaAici aflati daca sunt online sau offlineAlbum pentru cea mai nice fata divyasharadAlbum pentru cea mai soper fata de pe sunphoto littledollAlbum pentru cea mai sweet fata divyaaALBUM PENTRU DIVIANKA special pentru uhAlbum pentru divyaloveAlbum pentru my best friend DyaPlayBoyAlbum pentru o buna prietena SindooraSinghANUNT----------------A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA-FORUM SPECIAL DEDICAT SERIALELOR INDIENEAVATARE DRAGUTZEAVATARE EMOBuna tuturorCEI CARE VOR SA-MI FIE PRIETENI SA INTRE AICICele mai dragutze poze cu Sharad Malhotra si Divyanka TripathiCITATE DESPRE PRIETENIE sunt foarte dragutzeconcurs1   concurs2      concurs3         concurs4         concurs6         concurs7Concurs5Divyanka Tripathi and Sharad Malhotra at Zee Valentine shoot at Film City on Feb 9th 2008Divyanka Tripathi si Sharad Malhotra inconjuratzi de faniIepurashul de PastiMajoritatea actorilor din A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAMelodia de la A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAoooA TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAoooDISTRIBUTIEooooooO SINGURA REGULAoooooooooooooooo CHANDRA oooooooooooooooooooooooCELE MAI BUNE PRIETENE DE PE SUNPHOTOooooooooPoze cu Divyanka Tripathi din A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAPoze cu Kamaya Punjabi din A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAPoze cu Sharad Malhotra din A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNAPoze cu Sharad si Divyanka impreunaRubina Dilaik--interviu in engleza   Choti Bahu--diferite capturi      Choti Bahu pictures gallery         Choti Bahu--capturi 1         Choti Bahu--capturi dev and radhika         Choti Bahu--Avinash and Rubina         Rubina Dilaik and Avinash Sachdev         Choti BahuRubina Dilaik--Radhika a fost Miss Shimla 2006x - A ta pentru totdeauna   0 - Amar si Divya poze modificatez - A TA PENTRU TOTDEAUNA album pentru cea mai cool fata Madyh2oz - A ta pentru totdeauna CONCURS 2ZzZzZ pe profilul meu puteti copia orice ZzZzZzzzzzz Poze Sharad si Divyanka zzzzzzzz   Divyanka si Sharad nice pics      Preity ZintaZzZzZz Poziki Aishwaraya Ray zZzZzZzZzZzZz CEI CARE MI-AU VIZITAT PROFILUL II ROG SA IMI LASE AICI O MICA AMINTIRE zZzZzZzzZzZzZzZ My favoritez pics Choti Bahu zZzZzZzZzZzZzZz semne de hi5 ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZz Album pentru cea mai nice fatha de pe SunPhoto ZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZ ORACOL zZzZzZzZz   Choti Bahu--primul episod--capturi

membru din 19 decembrie 2009

Rubina Dilaik--interviu in engleza

Do you relate to the character that you are playing in this show?

I relate to this character to an extent. Like her, I am very content with life and I am strong headed. Radhika has accepted the misfortunes of her life and look at life with a positive perspective. But I am not timid and submissive unlike her.

What were you doing prior to Chhoti Bahu?
I was studying to become an administrative officer. In spite of being good at academics, I was very active in extra curricular activities. I am a national level debater. I have written poems in English. My father has written many books and poems in Hindi and I translate them to English. I had also participated and won two local beauty pageants.

How did this role happen?

My younger sister Rohini and her friend wanted to go for the audition of Chhoti Bahu that was held in a nearby locality and had asked me to accompany them. I went there just to pass time and accompany them. Inside the audition room, every one was tense mugging up the lines and rehearsing for the audition. I snatched a page of dialogues from my sister's hand to know what was so difficult. Just to test whether I too could do it I too mugged up the lines and gave the audition. Just hours after my audition, I was told that I was short listed. Initially, I was shocked how a small town and ordinary looking girl like me could get selected for such a big role when there were so many promising girls aspiring for the same.

So is your sister envious of you?

Yeah. She tells me that I will kill myself but I will never ever ask you to accompany me for any audition. She wants to come to Mumbai once she completes her graduation and become a television actress.

How did you agree to do the show since your plans for life were something else?

Initially I was very apprehensive. In fact, when I was short listed for the second round, I refused to appear for the second round of auditions. I wanted to complete my studies and acting was never on my mind.

How did your parents react to this decision of yours?

My family members were against me taking up acting as a career. I come from a huge joint family set up where I am answerable to every one in the family for every action of mine. Both my parents are very well educated so even I was expected to have a strong academic career. But my mother did not mind me going ahead. She is the only one who stood by me. In fact, when I refused to go for the second round of audition she coaxed me to change my decision. She had faith in me. She convinced my father to allow me to come to Mumbai and act.
It is heard that the channel took a long time to finalise you for this role. Comment.
Yes, they took time. When I came down to Mumbai I was not even finalised. There were other girls competing for the same role. Also the channel was not sure whether I should play this role or the role of Vishakha, the parallel lead. It took almost five months for everything to get confirmed and the shoot to start. There was a point where I had gone into depression as I was far away from home, everything seemed to be dicey and my studies were going for a toss. Now things are no longer the same and I am happier than ever.
Is there someone special in your life?
No and it is tough for me to find that boy as I am too difficult to handle.

What about your studies?

I am continuing my studies through correspondence. Further, I am very clear on doing an MBA but sadly even that will be through correspondence.

What are your plans for the future?
I never plan.

Albumul selectat contine subalbume care pot fi accesate din lista de albume din partea stanga.

Comentarii album • 5
nicoleta 18 aprilie 2011  
scuze pentru greselile de ortografie:
nicoleta 18 aprilie 2011  
wow!!!! e cel mai splenit film pe care lam vazut!!!!
filmele mele preferate sunt :
1) triunghiul iubirii
sunt inebunita dupa ele
nico 14 ianuarie 2011  
il ador e un film foarte frumos . il ador
PUGA 19 iunie 2010  
desdemona jacqueline 8 aprilie 2010  
wow....cum o fi sa nu ai nici un plan de viitor?
nu stiam ca are o sora....ms mult pt informatii .
te superi daca iau interviul asta si-l postez pe forumul meu sau il postezi tu....te roooooog! :D:D:D

dedicat fanilor serialului "choti bahu"

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